How to overcome Gym Intimidation, ditch the bad eating habits, and your reach Fitness Goals?

How to overcome Gym Intimidation, ditch the bad eating habits, and your reach Fitness Goals?

Are you struggling with working out due to your fear of going to the gym?  Believe it or not Gym Intimidation is real. It is so easy to feel like others are judging you, especially if you are not a fitness expert. But do not let this deter you, as it happens to us all.

The key to success to any endeavor is consistency. But consistency does not happen overnight. Starting with small attainable goals weekly is the secret to unlocking your confidence superpower. When I first started working out, I was terrified of going to the gym, especially by myself. I actually did not even like working out at all. It was overwhelming and I often felt that I was being judged by others who truly knew what they were doing. But now I am the complete opposite! I look forward to working out! And if I miss a day of working out, I feel so guilty! 

So, the question is how did I really overcome this fear and fall in love with fitness? It is very simple, believe it or not!

  1. Find a gym buddy or work with a personal trainer!  Working out with someone who you are familiar with or is more knowledgable can help alleviate the fear, boost your confidence and also help motivate you to work out.  In fact, most gyms allow you to do trial sessions with a personal trainer,  where they will assess your fitness level and goals, and help you reach them!

  2. Set realistic goals and expectations for yourself! If you never worked out or do not work out consistently, committing to going to the gym 5-7 days a week may be too a high of a standard. Setting the bar too high can lead to discouragement and fall into a plateau. Instead start slow and steady, assess your progress from week to week & adjust your goals accordingly. For example, at a beginner level, commit to working out 1-2 times a week, and then gradually increase to 2-3 times weekly, and eventually 4-5 times a week, etc. On average, it takes about 30-60 days to form a new habit. Always try to commit to your current plan for about 4-6weeks, before adding any new challenges! Remember this is not a race or competition, so you do not need to rush the process.

  3. Don't be afraid to try out different type of workouts! Adding variety to workouts can really you find your "passion" and develop that urge to always want to work out. You may discover you prefer group Zumba classes, versus working out with gym equipment. Or you may discover you like to combine various works outs during the week. Personally speaking, I am a combo girl! I enjoy working out at the gym, but occasionally like to take dance fitness, yoga and pilates classes to switch up my routine & make it fun. And for the days I do not have any desire to leave my house, I have my wonderful Peloton bike and other equipment I can use.

Now that I have given you the steps to build your goal body & get comfortable with working out, how do we nourish your body? Well that’s quite simple! Meal prepping ! For some people meal prepping can be very gruesome, tiring and not enjoyable at all.

Like any new habit that you are trying incorporate in your lifestyle, start slow and steady. If you are not a fan of cooking or spending hours in the kitchen, start with easy recipes and dedicate prepping to 1 day out of the week. It is highly recommended to also pre-package all your meals, so it is easy to grab and go!  I hope these tips are helpful! Remember it is a journey & consistency is key!



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